We have been in the market since 2005.
We have already served many important clients so far.


Quality Control: the translation is checked internally before being delivered to you. This consists of: verifying that the instructions were followed to the letter, checking for inconsistencies, verifying numbers, layout and formatting, checking spelling and grammar, verifying line breaks and capitalization.
Proofreading: a second linguist proofreads the target text only. The goal of this proofreading step is to correct spelling, grammar, typography (capitalization, punctuation, typographical errors), style and syntax (structure of phrases).
Bilingual revision: a second expert linguist compares the target text to the source and makes any necessary edits, ensuring the translation is correct (identifying mistranslations, omissions, etc.) and that any predefined terminology has been used appropriately.
Quality is our top priority
At our professional translation agency, we make it a point to optimize quality on all the translations we complete. As part of that commitment, we estimate that a human translator can translate between 1500 and 2000 words per day, depending on how technical your text is. Whenever possible, we choose translators who are based in the country of the language they translate into since this allows them to stay connected to the culture and its changes.
- Non-strategic documents
- For-information-only documents
- Internal company documents
- Limited budgets
- Generic documents without specific terminology
- Documents that will be printed in large quantities
- Marketing/communication documents
- Websites
- Sensitive projects
- Very technical content (medical, legal, financial, etc.)
- Complex projects
- Documents that will be printed
- Very sensitive projects
- Transcreation projects
- Adaptations
- Documents to be localized
- New markets or new products
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