We have been in the market since 2005.
We have already served many important clients so far.

Website Localization

Just another data point that shows why companies need to work with a translation agency specialized in website localization services:
- 59% of the world’s population (4.54 billion people) is connected to the internet.
- The number of connected devices will be double the world’s population in 2022, which is an average of 3.6 devices per person in comparison with 2.4 devices in 2017.
- Video content is also going to explode: in 2022, it will represent 82 percent of global traffic, a 75 percent increase over 2017.
- Around the world, mobile data use will increase seven-fold between now and 2022.
- 57% of online buyers have purchased from a foreign seller.
- 75% of internet users want to purchase products in their native language and 92.2% prefer buying from sites that show prices in their local currency.
Using website localization services to localize your website is an essential step in your international development. It will help boost your company’s visibility internationally by incorporating SEO optimization and improving your site’s conversion rate. If the content is adapted to the user’s language AND the culture, they will be more inclined to buy your products or contact you.
Too often, people confuse multilingual website translation and website localization. Translating your website is useful if you want to provide several languages without targeting a particular audience. However, if you want to expand your business in a specific local market, you’ll need to localize your site. While localization includes translation, it goes well beyond it. It also includes a cultural dimension and adapting numerous elements such as measurements, currencies, screen captures, date formats, URLs and many others.
Professional Website Translation and CMS
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Typo 3
- Magento
- And more!
Eight ways to adds value to your website translation:
- Content extraction made easy: We coordinate with your web design agency or access your content management system directly to retrieve the content you need translated.
- Detailed content analysis: We always have you confirm the content extracted from your website before sending it to our linguists.
- Expert linguists: We assign your project to linguists who cater to the specific requirements of your industry. They translate exclusively into their native language and are experts in your field.
- More than just translation: Not only do we translate your content, we localize it for the target countries. We adapt currencies, measurements, date formats, cultural references and much more.
- Premium-quality service: A second linguist reviews the work to ensure your strategic content is high quality and upholds your brand image.
- Agile process for reintegrating translated content: We will adapt to your tools and the way you work: from total automation to manual imports.
- We’ve got acceptance testing covered: Functional testing after reimporting is performed by us, by you or by your provider. It’s up to you.
- Automation of updates: We handle the translation of any new content on your website after the initial translation phase.
- What CMS was used to create your site?
- If it’s a custom system, can data be exported and re-imported?
- Do the products and services you offer differ from one market to another?
- Do you have a multilingual SEO strategy?
- Besides text, are there any other types of content to be localized, such as graphics, videos, documentation, etc.?
- Is your source site finished and ready to be analyzed?
Contact us
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